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The assets are free to use on your own channels at zero cost. We believe it makes perfect sense for councils to share resources, rather than investing significant time and resources into individual campaigns. This pack of materials has been designed to be shared on your communication channels and can be used alongside your own content as well as central government campaigns.


As a recommended approach, we have teamed up with the Council Advertising Network (CAN) to provide councils with the ability to reach highly targeted audiences beyond your own digital estate in a highly effective and low-cost way using programmatic advertising. This is the best way to engage specific population clusters by allowing councils to define their audience by age, demography and location. A real-time evaluation provides you with data on how many people you are engaging and where.


Westco and CAN will use this data to advise councils on the most effective messages and tactics. Westco can also help you research local propensity towards mass testing, using the data and insight to precisely target the campaign.


Download the presentation deck here:

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Westco have partnered with Panacea Software’s Asset Manager, so you can download and share the assets.   


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As testing becomes an increasingly important part of our national effort to tackle coronavirus, we have created specific campaign approaches designed to overcome behavioural barrriers for mass testing and surge testing to help councils encourage their residents to take up the tests.

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