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According to the Marketing AI Institute, 80% of what marketers (and knowledge workers) do every day will be AI-assisted to some degree in the next one to two years.

According to the Marketing AI Institute, 80% of what marketers (and knowledge workers) do every day will be AI-assisted to some degree in the next one to two years.


The best way to get ahead of the steep learning curve is to start with quick-win pilot projects. These projects, characterised by narrowly defined use cases and high probabilities of success, serve as stepping stones towards broader AI integration.


By focusing on specific areas ripe for AI intervention, organisations can demonstrate tangible value and build momentum for larger-scale initiatives. So, how do you identify the ideal AI use case?


The use case model


It all starts with a systematic evaluation guided by key criteria:


Is it data-driven?

Does the task rely heavily on data inputs and analysis? AI excels at processing vast amounts of data swiftly, making it invaluable for tasks driven by data insights.


Is it repetitive?

Is the task monotonous and repetitive in nature? AI-powered automation can alleviate the burden of routine tasks, freeing up valuable time for more strategic initiatives.


Is it predictive? 

Can AI help forecast future outcomes based on historical data patterns? Predictive analytics powered by AI can provide valuable insights for informed decision-making and strategic planning.


Is it generative? 

Is there a need for AI to create new content, designs, or solutions autonomously? Generative AI algorithms can produce novel outputs based on existing data inputs, unlocking creative possibilities and driving innovation.


Identifying an AI use case


The Marketing AI Institute’s Use Case Model provides a structured framework for evaluating potential pilot projects based on their potential value and feasibility for intelligent automation. Consider two key metrics:


Efficiency lift

How much time and money could be saved by intelligently automating the identified task (or portions of it)? AI-driven automation can streamline workflows, reduce manual errors, and enhance operational efficiency, resulting in significant bottom-line savings.


Performance lift

What is the likelihood of achieving business goals more effectively with AI assistance? By leveraging AI for predictive analytics and optimisation, organisations can enhance decision-making, drive targeted marketing efforts, and ultimately improve business outcomes.


How to choose your pilot projects


By evaluating potential AI use cases and assessing their value proposition, you can embark on a journey of AI integration with confidence and clarity. The next step is to rate the use case’s value (defined by potential time and money saved plus the increased probability of achieving business goals) alongside the ability to intelligently automate the activity (using existing AI technology or solutions that could be built with the right resources).


This dual assessment – the value rating and ability rating (on a scale of 1 to 5) – ensures alignment between the chosen projects and your organisation's AI readiness and capabilities. To facilitate the selection process, Use Case Workshops offer a collaborative platform for involving your team in identifying and prioritising potential pilot projects. Here’s what that might look like in practice:

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Ultimately, you should select three pilot projects that align with your strategic objectives. Once your pilot projects are identified, adhering to Use Case Project Guidelines is crucial for effective implementation and evaluation. Clear use case definition, assignment of ownership, and establishment of measurable impact metrics using SMART goals lay the foundation for success.


Getting started with AI


It's essential to recognise that not every pilot project will yield the desired results. Some initiatives may fall short of expectations, failing to deliver the anticipated cost savings or revenue growth. Setbacks shouldn’t deter progress, though – they present invaluable learning opportunities.


At Westco, we believe that embracing AI isn't just about adopting new technologies; it's about cultivating the right mindset and behaviours. Resilience and adaptability are key when embarking on AI pilot projects. We suggest you follow the Marketing AI Institute’s 30-90 Rule:


  • Activate within 30 days
  • Test over 90 days
  • Make the critical decision to ‘keep or cancel’ the project.


Piloting AI for marketers


By embarking on pilot projects and experimenting with AI-driven solutions, next-generation marketers can position themselves ahead of the curve, gaining invaluable insights and experience in the process. The time to act is now, though. The pace of technological advancement waits for no one. And identifying potential applications is just the first step.


Implementing successful pilot projects requires careful selection of the right vendors. Through the Piloting AI for Marketers online course, you’ll receive guidance on vetting and partnering with vendors who can support your AI initiatives effectively. And by taking proactive steps to integrate AI into your strategies today, you can future-proof your organisation and unlock new levels of efficiency and effectiveness tomorrow.


Take the first step by enrolling in the course today. Embarking on this journey is bound to present some challenges. Book a call with us to arrange a workshop where our team can help you identify the best use cases for your organisation.




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According to the Marketing AI Institute, 80% of what marketers (and knowledge workers) do every day will be AI-assisted to some degree in the next one to two years. {%- endset -%} {%- blog_post_data_wall_wrapper body={{hs_blog_post_body}}, summary={{hs_blog_post_summary}} %}


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