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Avoid common pitfalls and legal challenges to navigate public consultations with confidence

Anticipating a sensitive public consultation? This training is your passport to navigating the legal intricacies of public engagement. From the Five Strands of Consultation Law to real-life case studies, we equip comms teams with the insights and strategies needed to consult confidently and lead impactful dialogues. This training will help you steer clear of potential pitfalls and empower you in the planning and execution of public consultations and community engagements.

TRAINING: Law of consultation for public service professionals

Where: 3 hour in person training (at your organisation or in central London)

Trainer: Rhion Jones co-founder of the Consultation Institute and expert in consultation law

Costs: £2,000 (exc. VAT) for up to 10 delegates.

Here’s what you can expect to learn…


Five Strands of Consultation Law

A comprehensive framework that ensures that consultations are conducted within the boundaries of the law, including specific Statutory Requirements, Equality Law, Environmental Law, Information Access, and Common Law.


Legal Challenges & Judicial Reviews

Learn how to identify, assess, and mitigate potential concerns that may arise during and after the consultation process. Minimise the risks associated with potential legal challenges and the scrutiny of judicial reviews.


Case Studies & Examples

Explore real-world examples of each of the five strands and relevant case law that sets out consultation precedents, with examples of why each consultation was deemed unlawful or not.

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The Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation

Identify and manage stakeholders' expectations to build and maintain trust throughout the consultation process. Learn to anticipate potential issues and proactively address expectations.


The Gunning Principles

Explore the four Gunning Principles, which outline the standards for fair and meaningful public participation: from sufficient information to adequate time, consideration of responses, feedback influence, and potentially a fifth principle.

About your trainer

Rhion Jones is the co-founder of The Consultation Institute and has been monitoring consultation case law since 2008. He has published 50+ commentaries on specific judicial reviews and delivered over 100 courses on the Law of Consultation. Rhion currently provides government and C-suite advice and guidance under his trading name, The Consultation Guru.


For a practical understanding of the legal landscape surrounding public consultations, how to minimise the risk of legal challenges, and practical guidance on running or commissioning a successful consultation…

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