Westco - Blog images-Mar-06-2023-05-08-48-2353-PM


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We’ve been running a series of social care recruitment campaigns for the last couple of months and during that time there a couple of insights we’ve noticed. 

It has been great to see the campaigns funnel through data. 

Directing people to a microsite that hosts job applications allow us to assess the performance of different channels and creatives not just in terms of click-through-rates – but which have resulted in applications at the end of the funnel. 

Paid search is an important channel for this campaign. 

Search works by delivering ads when people make specific searches on google. For us, this means searches around jobs and social care jobs. Those we reach through these channels are likely already looking for jobs and more likely to apply immediately for new job applications. They’ve made up around half of the applications our microsites have received to date. 

This doesn’t mean that other paid ads are less effective – it’s just they’re reaching people a little earlier in their journey. 

Remarketing can be used to recontact those reaching the website to further prompt them to take action and apply for jobs. 

Jobs listing flexible hours did not prove popular. 

There were significantly more vacancies than job applications received for jobs with flexible working hours. This may suggest that currently there is a preference for secure working hours. 

View the full webinar

As usual we recorded the full webinar for you to watch on your own time. Join the hub to access the full webinar. 


Rishi Moulton specialised in applying his knowledge and primary and secondary research to ensure campaigns target the audiences where they will have the most impact; have objectives that will result in tangible outcomes, and address topics in ways that will lead to behaviour change.



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{%- endset -%} {%- set hs_blog_post_summary -%}

We’ve been running a series of social care recruitment campaigns for the last couple of months and during that time there a couple of insights we’ve noticed. 

{%- endset -%} {%- blog_post_data_wall_wrapper body={{hs_blog_post_body}}, summary={{hs_blog_post_summary}} %}

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