Before you pick up the phone to HR and commence the lengthy in-house recruitment process, think about whether an interim placement would be a better fit for you and your team?
Interim communications support
Interim communications support is being used more and more by local authority communications teams. Bringing in a temporary comms expert to help design and deliver specific projects and fill interim roles whilst permanent solutions are being considered (or even just as a stop-gap) can help ease the immense pressure on your team.
So, before you reach for the HR form to permanently recruit in-house – consider these top five benefits of using an interim…
1. Interim support can be identified quickly
We all know that recruitment in the public sector is not straightforward. In some places, it can take weeks (or even months) to get permission to recruit, advertise, shortlist, interview, negotiate, and process notice periods.
At Westco, we have a wide network of interims that cover various practices – from marketing to media, digital to design. We also have experienced interims at different levels – from junior marketing officers right up to Head of Communications.
From the moment you let us know your needs, we aim to come back to you within seven days with a shortlist of potential candidates. And for many, they can be working with you within days of agreement.
2. Interims have a deep knowledge of industry best practices
Often, the available pool of local candidates can be limiting. This can be frustrating when you need support in a hurry. All of our communications interims are very experienced, with many having worked both in the public and private sector.
Their knowledge and experience are second to none and they’re ready to hit the ground running. Westco also continues to provide them with support and training throughout their contracted period – our interims are always learning.
3. Bigger skill sets
A fortified communications team needs a broad range of skills in its arsenal, from media relations to marketing, internal communications, public affairs, social media management, advertising campaign management, and so much more.
There’s a limit to what an in-house team can accomplish with the skills at their disposal. Westco, on the other hand, has experts across all the areas required to bring your goals to fruition.
4. Improved flexibility
A lot of planning goes into designing campaigns and strategic projects. You can save yourself all that stress by hiring an interim to do what they know best. Many of our interims will have delivered similar projects before, so they’ll be able to offer short-term support on very specific topics, adding value and key learnings from prior experience.
This support grants your team the opportunity to improve flexibility and focus on other productive tasks.
5. More efficient and focused on delivery
When you are up to your eyes, managing in-house staff and performance can be stressful. Our interim professionals are provided on a contractual basis and are held accountable for campaign outcomes and KPIs.
We know that a poorly performing interim will likely get axed much quicker than a poorly performing in-house team member. It’s our job to help you manage interim staff and make sure they deliver exactly what you need.
It’s our job to help you deliver on your objectives. We’re here to make your life easier. Even if you don’t know what skill set you need, or how long you might need someone to step in for, if you have a job or a project that needs to be implemented, reach out to see how we can help. Email Nalini at or call us on 020 7641 5242.
We’ve all been there. You’ve just been briefed on a new project and the task at hand is huge. Whether it’s a new campaign to recruit new foster carers or social workers, encourage more people to recycle, or sign up for the Council Tax direct debit scheme, your team is already stretched. There just aren’t enough hours in the day…You are not alone!